Carpet Beetles, also known as textile pests, eat refuse matter not eaten by other insects.

The problem occurs when Carpet Beetles enter our homes or buildings and commence feeding on textile products such as wool, fur or silk and if not stopped can cause serious damage to fabrics such as, underlay, rugs, blankets, carpets, upholstery fabrics and clothes generally. If you need to get rid of Carpet Beetles, you need a Pest Controller, Control-A-Pest Pty Ltd and we are here to help you with Carpet Beetle removal, give us a call.

Carpet Beetles attack fabrics, usually in the dark and in undisturbed areas.

Carpet Beetle Exterminators Melbourrne

They lay their eggs on or in material that will provide a suitable food source for Laval development and the next generation. A professional Carpet Beetle exterminator, Control-A-Pest Pty Ltd, can provide you with assistance in Carpet Beetle extermination.

If you have a problem with Carpet Beetles or other textile or fabric pests, call us here at Control-A-Pest Pty Ltd for advice and treatment, contact us now.